Reducing Risk, Protecting People

Swimming Pool Safety Signs

Workplace Safety Resources

Swimming Pool Safety Signs

Pool Safety Sign Systems

Download Our Free Pool Safety Sign Checklist


Warning About Water Hazards

All pools have a duty to warn because water presents a very real hazard to people who are unaware – from diving in shallow water to precautions to avoid drowning. These dangers are often not communicated due to outdated and inadequate signage, increasing the likelihood for accidents which end in tragedy for victims and possible liability for you, as a pool owner.

Lifebuoy Floating in Pool Water

A New Best Practice Solution

Clarion Safety offers a new, leading-edge set of swimming pool safety signs that are expertly designed to comply with the latest standards, including best practice ANSI and ISO formatting. The new system was developed in collaboration with the world-renowned pool safety experts at the Aquatic Safety Research Group. Their expertise in water safety combined with our expertise in visual safety communication has resulted in a system of pool safety signs that sets a new bar for the state-of-the-art. Our pool safety sign system uses well-designed symbols, color, language and repetition to effectively communicate the most serious water safety warnings like no other signage on the market today.

The new pool signage ushers in a new era in aquatics safety. The various components work together to convey their lifesaving messages. To enhance their effectiveness, both in terms of safety communication and for legal liability documentation purposes, third-party comprehension-testing was performed by industry human factors experts to assure the signs could be understood by various age groups and populations. This documentation is important to you, the owner who uses our system, in the event an accident occurs in your pool and a lawsuit is filed. No other pool safety sign system has such documentation.

Build your system today!

A wide variety of organizations and venues can use our pool safety sign system. Hotels and motels, resorts, water parks, private pools and spas, pool management groups, recreational and sports facilities, and municipal, state, and non-profit community pools will all benefit from their installation. Note that every component can be tailored to fit your specific theming and messaging requirements.

Download Our Free Pool Safety Sign Checklist

Want to assess the visual safety communication for you pool to increase safety and reduce liability? Get in touch with our team to download your free pool saafety sign checklist today!

Get Started Today!


Online Quote Request Options

Need a quote for our sign, label and tag products? Our customer service team is standing by to hear from you via phone, online chat or email! For your convenience, we also have two options you can use to submit your request quickly and easily online:

Option 1: Cart-to-quote Tool

Generate a quote for all of the items in your shopping cart. Simply add items to your online shopping cart and then click the "Get Quote for Cart Items" button in the cart preview dropdown or at the bottom of the cart page.

This option works great for both standard and custom products that are available for purchase on our website.

Option 2: Quote Request Form

Request a quote by typing in the product part number(s) or a description of the custom part(s). You can also upload RFQ-related documentation, such as a drawings and specification sheets.

This option works great for products not available for purchase on our website and for complex quotes.