Military Standard 130, also known as MIL-STD-130 (“Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property”), outlines requirements and specifications for the purposes of identifying U.S. military property. The standard provides instructions as to how to mark equipment sold to the Department of Defense (DoD). All entities supplying goods to the military are required to comply with this standard. One type of marking outlined by MIL-STD-130 is Unique Identification (commonly referred to as UID). This requires all military contractors and subcontractors to place specific types of unique markings on the equipment they supply to the military. MIL-STD-130 provides a blueprint for the specific materials allowed, text sizes, fonts, formats and other rules pertaining to the required marks on assets in addition to the specific location of the UID. The UID marking must be directly applied to equipment and must last for the duration of the asset’s lifecycle.
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Clarion Safety Systems manufactures durable, high quality MIL-SPEC labels, nameplates and asset tags that comply with the strictest MIL-STD-130 requirements and specifications. Our products are made with the highest quality 3M materials and are designed to solve all of your unique application challenges using tried and true methods for longevity, like Metalphoto®. They stand up to the toughest indoor and outdoor military environments – from harsh chemical washdowns, intense heat and frigid temperatures – and our high performance materials ensure that your labels, nameplates and asset tags will last over the course of your product’s lifecycle. What’s more, Clarion Safety is ISO 9001:2015 certified and we’re involved at the leadership level on the ANSI and ISO committees for visual safety communication in our field, so you can trust our nearly thirty years of safety expertise and standards compliance. Our team of safety experts is knowledgeable about MIL-STD-130 requirements and can help you select products that are in line with your needs and the latest standards.
Reach out to us, that we can help with your specific needs.
Military Standard 130, also known as MIL-STD-130 (“Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property”), outlines requirements and specifications for the purposes of identifying U.S. military property. The standard provides instructions as to how to mark equipment sold to the Department of Defense (DoD). All entities supplying goods to the military are required to comply with this standard. One type of marking outlined by MIL-STD-130 is Unique Identification (commonly referred to as UID). This requires all military contractors and subcontractors to place specific types of unique markings on the equipment they supply to the military. MIL-STD-130 provides a blueprint for the specific materials allowed, text sizes, fonts, formats and other rules pertaining to the required marks on assets in addition to the specific location of the UID. The UID marking must be directly applied to equipment and must last for the duration of the asset’s lifecycle.
What does Clarion Safety have to offer? View the full scope of our solutions and services.
Clarion Safety Systems manufactures durable, high quality MIL-SPEC labels, nameplates and asset tags that comply with the strictest MIL-STD-130 requirements and specifications. Our products are made with the highest quality 3M materials and are designed to solve all of your unique application challenges using tried and true methods for longevity, like Metalphoto®. They stand up to the toughest indoor and outdoor military environments – from harsh chemical washdowns, intense heat and frigid temperatures – and our high performance materials ensure that your labels, nameplates and asset tags will last over the course of your product’s lifecycle. What’s more, Clarion Safety is ISO 9001:2015 certified and we’re involved at the leadership level on the ANSI and ISO committees for visual safety communication in our field, so you can trust our nearly thirty years of safety expertise and standards compliance. Our team of safety experts is knowledgeable about MIL-STD-130 requirements and can help you select products that are in line with your needs and the latest standards.
Reach out to us, that we can help with your specific needs.
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