Reducing Risk, Protecting People

Hawaii Beach Safety

Posted by Clarion Safety Systems | 7th Jun 2019

Communicating Safety is Important for Hawaii Beaches
Lifeguards on beaches are busy rescuing people every day from dangers associated with large bodies of water. Why? Because many people don’t recognize the potential hazards related to beach environments – everything from sharp coral to seriously strong undertow that can rip you from the shore. Injuries and deaths occur frequently enough that communicating safety is paramount for beaches across the U.S. Clarion Safety teamed up with the state of Hawaii to create best practice beach safety signs to protect swimmers at the state’s beautiful beaches.

Clarion Safety’s Fix: ISO-formatted Safety Signs to Avoid Harm
Clarion Safety designed new safety signs for a large number of these hazards – signs meant to affect people’s behavior so they can better avoid harm. Clear and concise language was used in conjunction with eye-catching International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-formatted graphical symbols to communicate the most essential messages. It should be noted that the symbol elements were made predominate because of the necessity to convey safety information to the wide variety of international, often non-English-reading, people who visit beaches.


Clarion Safety Can Help at Your Beach or Aquatic Facility
For over 25 years, Clarion Safety has been at the top of the field of visual safety communication. Clarion Safety is a long-term leader of the best practice American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and ISO standards – and Clarion Safety will use that knowledge to help you warn as effectively as possible. With 15,000+ clients and nearly 100 million signs and labels in use, zero customers have had warning-based allegations brought against them.

Clarion Safety offers a variety of best practice water, environmental and pool safety signage to help promote safety and reduce risk – whether it’s at the beach, pool or waterpark. Clarion Safety also provides customization services for signs and labels that are one of a kind; that include bi-lingual and multi-lingual signage to warn guests in other languages, like Spanish or French, or full safety sign systems that take all areas of your facility or environment into account. You can rest easy knowing that our signs have proven effectiveness. Our pool safety signs have been ‘put to the test’ – undergoing extensive comprehension testing designed by independent experts and administered by the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA) – confirming that key symbols and signs are quickly recognized and clearly understood by viewers.

Find out how Clarion Safety’s best practice, standards-compliant safety systems can help increase safety and reduce liability at your beach or pool by contacting us today!

Online Quote Request Options

Need a quote for our sign, label and tag products? Our customer service team is standing by to hear from you via phone, online chat or email! For your convenience, we also have two options you can use to submit your request quickly and easily online:

Option 1: Cart-to-quote Tool

Generate a quote for all of the items in your shopping cart. Simply add items to your online shopping cart and then click the "Get Quote for Cart Items" button in the cart preview dropdown or at the bottom of the cart page.

This option works great for both standard and custom products that are available for purchase on our website.

Option 2: Quote Request Form

Request a quote by typing in the product part number(s) or a description of the custom part(s). You can also upload RFQ-related documentation, such as a drawings and specification sheets.

This option works great for products not available for purchase on our website and for complex quotes.