Reducing Risk, Protecting People

How Celebrating Manufacturing Day Protects the Future

Posted by Clarion Safety Systems | 4th Oct 2024

Manufacturing Day is held today on the first Friday in October, and continues with events throughout the month and beyond, to celebrate those who proudly stand behind American goods and services. Locally in the United States, we continue to develop products and unlock new technologies, growing our economy. Manufacturing businessescreate jobs through entrepreneurship, and their competitiveness revitalizes American manufacturing as the economy and population evolves.

Why is Manufacturing Day Important?
Manufacturing Day is an initiative of The Manufacturing Institute, with the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association as a founding partner. The Institute grows and supports the manufacturing industry’s skilled workers for the advancement of modern manufacturing. The Institute’s diverse initiatives support women, veterans, students, and workers through skills training programs, community building and supporting the advancement of their career in manufacturing. As the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers, the Institute is a trusted adviser to manufacturers, equipping them with resources necessary to solve the industry’s toughest challenges. One of those challenges is the need to fill four million manufacturing jobs in the United States alone by 2030, which is why more awareness is needed for the industry.

How to Get Involved
Throughout the period that Manufacturing Day is observed, more than 1,600 American manufacturers will open their doors and participate. They will take up the important work of inspiring our young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering. Today’s science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduates are the basis for the next chapter of American production and innovation. Developing their potential and encouraging passion for innovation is an economic imperative.

Over 700 virtual, and even more in-person, events are being held throughout the month of October that are all displayed on, an organization supported by the National Association of Manufacturers and The Manufacturing Institute. If you’re looking to host or attend an event, visit their website to register for either an in person or virtual event slot throughout the month of October.

Recognizing Our Manufacturers
As an organization that serves the safety needs of manufacturers, Clarion Safety takes pride in recognizing the hard work and innovation of all those involved in this industry. We’re pleased to be able to provide educational resources, guidance, and products and services to all of our manufacturing partners and clients – whether it’s through Clarion Safety, or our affiliated businesses, Machine Safety Specialists and Arrow Industrial Solutions.

Collaborating with Machine Safety Specialists (MSS), our teams provide essential support to EH&S personnel, offering straightforward, unbiased machine safety ad risk assessment services to help navigate complex safety regulations. Our certified safety engineers have extensive knowledge of the unique safety requirements for diverse machinery, including industrial robots, automated systems, and fluid power safety solutions.

Arrow Industrial Solutions has been dedicated to enhancing safety through specialized machine guarding services, delivering tailored solutions for manufacturing and industrial facilities across North America. Their advanced 3-D designs ensure compliant and efficient installations that meet rigorous U.S. and international safety standards, including OSHA, ANSI, NFPA, RIA, and ISO/EN.

As we celebrate the advancements within the manufacturing sector, let’s remain committed to fostering a culture in workplaces that prioritize both productivity and safety. If you’re looking for information on the latest safety standards or regulations that relate to today’s manufacturers, reach out to our team today. We look forward to working together to create safer, more efficient manufacturing environments.

Online Quote Request Options

Need a quote for our sign, label and tag products? Our customer service team is standing by to hear from you via phone, online chat or email! For your convenience, we also have two options you can use to submit your request quickly and easily online:

Option 1: Cart-to-quote Tool

Generate a quote for all of the items in your shopping cart. Simply add items to your online shopping cart and then click the "Get Quote for Cart Items" button in the cart preview dropdown or at the bottom of the cart page.

This option works great for both standard and custom products that are available for purchase on our website.

Option 2: Quote Request Form

Request a quote by typing in the product part number(s) or a description of the custom part(s). You can also upload RFQ-related documentation, such as a drawings and specification sheets.

This option works great for products not available for purchase on our website and for complex quotes.