Reducing Risk, Protecting People

Meet Our Expertly Designed ISO 7010 Symbol Safety Signs

Posted by Clarion Safety Systems | 29th Jul 2021

To better meet your needs, here at Clarion Safety, we’ve expanded our safety sign offerings to include an entire collection of signs based on ISO 7010 symbols. Our signs in this new category are designed to provide important information needed to help avoid accidents, notify about health hazards, and inform about needed equipment, first aid materials, and exits in fires and other emergencies. The effective use of symbols in safety communication can help make messages more noticeable, which human factors experts say is the chief requirement of a warning; after all, if a warning isn’t noticed – and allowed to be heeded – none of its other characteristics will matter.

Concise Communication
Symbols can communicate label content across language barriers, which can be especially important in our diverse work environments. These new signs are designed in line with the ANSI/ISO standards and can help you meet OSHA requirements. The use of symbols in warnings and instructions is essential to the ISO 3864-2 standards and is encouraged in the ANSI Z535.4 standards. Our safety signs in this category use internationally recognized ISO 7010-style safety symbols that are not only growing in popularity, but are widely recognized and understood.

Our ISO 7010 symbol safety signs use a colored surround shape (a triangle, circle, or square) to define their overall safety function and to make these messages more easily noticed and recognized. According to ISO, there are five types of safety symbols, each with its own defined combination of color, contrast color, and shape:

  • Warning: A black-banded yellow triangle with a black symbol that signifies a potential hazard and encourages cautionary procedures.
  • Mandatory: A blue circle with a white symbol to indicate the requirement for a specific action to be taken.
  • Prohibition: A black symbol behind a red circle with a slash that is used to instruct staff when certain behaviors or actions are not allowed.
  • Safety Equipment/Safe Condition: A green square with a white symbol is used to indicate the location of first aid and health kits, as well as emergency exits.
  • Fire Equipment/Action: A red square with a white symbol that serves as a quick way to identify fire exits and equipment locations.

Designed to Last
With quality at the forefront, our new ISO 7010 signs are produced with long-lasting and durable materials that are rated positively for ultraviolet light, water, and chemical resistance. These signs can be produced on indoor/outdoor vinyl or high performance indoor plastic materials. The vinyl is made with an acrylic adhesive and rated for extreme temperatures ranging from -40 to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. The plastic material is intended for mounting on flat surfaces and performs best at temperatures between 32 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Both of these sign materials are available in varying shapes and sizes.

Your Workplace Safety Partner
Now more than ever, as many workplaces have faced significant changes during the past year, proactively maintaining safe facilities and workplaces is critical to prevent injuries and protect your business liability. If you haven’t already, consider outfitting your facility with ISO 7010 signs for fast and effective communication.

Signs that use the latest ANSI and ISO best practices are an important way to elevate visual safety communication. Consider bringing ISO 7010 signs into your workplace when any of the following occurs:

  1. Your signs are showing signs of weathering or fading and need to be replaced.
  2. You’re outfitting a new facility, or additional area of an existing facility, and want to ensure it’s up to date with the latest best practices.
  3. You have a particular area of your facility in need of additional support from a safety communication perspective. Here, symbol-based signs may be able to supplement existing safety messages.

If the content of one of our ISO 7010 signs is close, but not exactly what you need, have us customize the design; any component can be tailored to meet your specifications. Reach out to our team for help or use our online custom design tool.

Online Quote Request Options

Need a quote for our sign, label and tag products? Our customer service team is standing by to hear from you via phone, online chat or email! For your convenience, we also have two options you can use to submit your request quickly and easily online:

Option 1: Cart-to-quote Tool

Generate a quote for all of the items in your shopping cart. Simply add items to your online shopping cart and then click the "Get Quote for Cart Items" button in the cart preview dropdown or at the bottom of the cart page.

This option works great for both standard and custom products that are available for purchase on our website.

Option 2: Quote Request Form

Request a quote by typing in the product part number(s) or a description of the custom part(s). You can also upload RFQ-related documentation, such as a drawings and specification sheets.

This option works great for products not available for purchase on our website and for complex quotes.