Reducing Risk, Protecting People

New ANSI/ISO Standards and Guidelines for 2022

Posted by Clarion Safety Systems | 18th Jan 2022

A new year also means a new cycle of ANSI/ISO standards revisions and updates are coming to take the floor – including new votes from 2021 propositions, and new 2022 publication dates for standards. As Clarion Safety is a longtime and active member of several of the key ANSI and ISO standards bodies that relate to safety sign/labels and visual safety communication, our goal is to keep you up to date and prepared on changes and what they mean for your equipment or workplace.

Where ANSI Z535 Updates Stand
The revision process for American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z535 standards is coming to a close in its five year revision cycle. Since the standards were reaffirmed without changes at the previous five year mark, this will be the first time the standards have been significantly revised in a decade. Our director of standards compliance, Angela Lambert , is our representative for the ANSI Z535 committee, and is also the chair of the Z535.1 subcommittee.

The balloting period for a few of the standards was completed in July of 2021. Change proposals for each standard – including ‘global’ (encompassing all six of the standards) and standard-specific proposals – are in the final process, and will soon be awaiting publication.

Within the ANSI Z535 standards themselves, ANSI Z535.3 and ANSI Z535.1 have gone through their revision and balloting processes with no significant changes. So far the safety community stands to see the most changes in ANSI Z535.5 in regards to barricade tapes. Standards ANSI Z535.2, Z535.4, and Z535.6 are still in a final stage balloting process, and we’ll be able to share more details in the near future.

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ISO Standards Amendments and Updates
In regards to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), here at Clarion Safety, we’ve been an active member of ISO’s Technical Committee 145 (ISO/TC 145), one of the most influential standards-writing committees as it standardizes the vast majority of symbols in use around the world, for over 20 years. ISO/TC 145 is responsible for the continual development of an international language of symbols used on signs, products, and in the built environment to inform people of a wide variety of meanings, all known as graphical symbols. This committee has directly published four ISO standards, and currently has 10 related standards under development for 2022. Of which include amendments to safety sign standards for natural disaster guidance systems, instructional advice, and piping systems.

Clarion Safety also is a member of ISO/TC 283, which is responsible for occupational health and safety management that looks to control risks and improve safety performance for organizations. This technical committee has directly published three ISO standards and has three under development for 2022, including guidelines on performance evaluation, managing infectious diseases, and the implementation of ISO 45001:2018 (which is currently out for voting and approval through ISO 45002). Due to the popularity and prevalence of issues covered in ISO 45005, which covered safe working guidelines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee has decided to further expand on the subject. This is the reason for the development of an infectious disease guideline in an anticipated ISO 45006 follow up for this year.

Your Compliance Insider
As we progress further into 2022, we’re committed to keeping you updated on the latest standards revisions and processes in our area. You can rest assured that you’re in good hands; our involvement in the standards community has been at the leadership level in ANSI and ISO for over 30 years. In fact, we’re active participants in the development process of several of key safety standards, including the ANSI Z535 family of standards and ISO 45002. While these ANSI and ISO are under development for 2022, feel free to contact our team of safety professionals for any workplace and machinery safety or risk concerns!

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